Mayo, Paul

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Mayo, Paul
Paul Mayo, along with his brothers, Don and Bob, and Jim Houston, is credited with altering the style of bareback riding in the 1960s, taking a position farther back on the horse, and literally lying down on the horse’s back as it went over the peak of its jump, began its descent and kicked up its hind legs. Mayo, of Sutherland Springs, Texas, became so expert at the technique – called the Mayo Style and still in use today – that he won gold buckles in 1966 and 1970 and was the reserve world champion three times (1965, 1967 and 1971), losing the 1965 title to Houston by just $641. A talented all-around hand, Mayo also qualified twice for the NFR in bull riding, rode saddle broncs and roped steers a few times. He competed in the NFR 12 times overall. He twice finished among the top three in the world all-around standings and won the Linderman Award for all-around excellence at both ends of the arena in 1968. He was inducted into the ProRodeo Hall of Fame in 2010.
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